6-Months To A Better You

While this program option is similar to the 3-month program, we go at a slower pace and take a deeper dive. This 6 month program is for you if you are confused about all the conflicting health information and media messages. You keep saying you're stuck and don’t know why, or you are resisting change out of fear that you might not be able to do this alone. 

You’re seeking to recover and discover YOUR true essence and a lifetime of vitality.

Transformation is possible and takes both patience and time, so let’s enjoy the process together, take the scenic route, and discover new roads and interests as you find your way home to A Better You!

This Includes:

  • One free (90-minute) health consultation to discuss your health history and pinpoint your concerns and uncover your true goals.

  • Twelve, 60-minute health coaching sessions (2x a month)

  • Post session follow-up to make recommendations and provide supporting materials to keep you on track.

  • Email support between sessions to keep you on track and address any road blocks.

  • Handouts, book recommendations, journal prompts and dietary theories/recipes - all supporting your wellness goals.

  • Personalized yoga and mindfulness practices in-person and recordings for your access while we are working on your Wellness Together.

3-Month RESET

This 3 month program is for you if you already know what it feels like to make healthy lifestyle choices, but maybe you’ve stumbled on a road block or are in a difficult “season” of life that you need support to navigate. Or, you just need a progress partner to get you out of your comfort zone, bounce back to help you recommit to better choices to maintain your wellness goals.

I can help with that!

This program is like the express lane, while still going the speed limit, and gets you where you want to be on time.

This Includes:

  • One free (90-minute) health consultation to discuss your health history and pinpoint your concerns and uncover your true goals.

  • Six, 60-minute health coaching sessions (2x a month)

  • Post session follow up to make recommendations and provide supporting materials to keep you on track.

  • Handouts, book recommendations, dietary theories, all supporting and related to your wellness goals.

  • Personalized yoga and mindfulness practices to complement your wellness routine, during the 3-month program.


Restore your Health,
LIVE your Life


Moving your Body and Brain with Yoga and Mindfulness.

Here are some ways you are already doing yoga! Sitting, walking, breathing, listening, paying attention and forgiving and loving yourself and others…


Attuned to your unique needs, the many benefits of yoga, breath work and mindfulness are designed to heal the body, mind, and heart on the mat and provide the foundational support as you rediscover your true-self off the mat. 

When you trust and believe in yourself, so much is possible.

Book your private yoga session and foster your at-home practice that will grow with you as you gain flexibility, mobility and strength in body, mind and spirit. Together we will…

  • Set up your at-home and office space

  • Go over props you will need

  • Move at your pace while exploring new techniques to expand

  • Bring all tools into your day, living your yoga.

Join me at repose yoga studio in newburyport for in-person classes.

  • Mondays, slow flow at 5:30-6:30pm

  • Thursdays, yin at 5:30-6:30pm


Providing high level yoga and mindfulness services to employees at the office and remotely. You never need to change into your stretchy yoga pants!

I bring yoga wellness & mindfulness right to your door or virtual.

Weekly, monthly, and seasonal offerings, including wellness workshops and group coaching. All to meet your employees right where they are.